• 灵芝
  • Reshi
  • 灵芝
  • Reshi
The Treasure of Health
Agaricus blazei Murill is the most mushroom in enhancing aspects of the Human immune system Agaricus blazei Murill is the most mushroom in enhancing aspects of the
Human immune system.Saffron is a multi-pronged formulation that is
synergistically designed to enhance mood and mental focus, suited to
individuals with temporary depressed mood, occasional anxiety, stress-related
exhaustion or mental fatigue. Suberect Spatholobus Stem could not only
irritate the hematopoiesis, but also exert reconstructive action to marrow 
Reishi Mushroom is native to the major northern hemisphere continents. It has been used by healers for at least 2,500 years. It supports immune functions, cardiovascular health, and the body's adaptability to stress.
Curcumin the active component in Turmeric, has been demonstrated to support joint mobility and flexibility. It is known to be a potent free radical scavenger and supports balance immune system function responses to normal metabolic stress. Hops (Humulus lupulus) are traditionally used for nervous system support.

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